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Classes at our house in Andalucia
The classes

Classes are tailored to your requirements from beginner to advanced including professional training. All materials and tools will be provided . Our classroom will hold up to 8 people and we can accommodate up to 6 people in our house as guests, where you can prepare your own food or go to the local bars, extra accommodation is also available in the village. You are also welcome to bring your partner to stay by prior arrangement.

Costs are 100 Euros per person per day. Solo tuition is available for a small extra fee, please ask.

If you want me to come to your premises to do a class, contact me via the menu above. We will travel anywhere that can get a class together
Suggested classes

Peeled fruits - half day
Whole cabbages and cauliflowers - half day
Leeks - half day
Complex caning - cut cabbages red & green - 1 day
Unusual caning - onions and peppers - 1 day
Suggested classes

Coconut baskets - half day
Melons - half day
Mould making (nuts, mandarins) - half day
Heart shaped cakes - half day
Suggested classes

Wild mushroom basket - 1 day
Meats - bacon and chops - 1 day
Fish - whole salmon and smoked slices - 1 day
Suggested classes

still life painting in 3D (artists table) - 2 days
Suggested classes

Meat stall - 3 days
Suggested classes

Fruit and veg stall - 3 days
Suggested classes

Fish stall - 3 days
Suggested classes

How to publish your own books and ebooks, including image editing. This course is with Frank who designs all my self published books and illustrates our 3D pen books.
Things To Do In The Area
There are guided tours and walks around the Sierra De Aracena and Picos De Aroche national park, or you can get a guide book and go it alone. Local delicacies include wild mushrooms and, of course, pork products. It is rare to find menus in English, but we can help.
Whatever time of year, there is some excuse for a fiesta or procession in this or a nearby village, sometimes in traditional dress or flamenco style, sometimes in your best party gear. Everyone is welcome to join in. During the summer months there is an open air swimming pool.
This region is full of the little black footed pigs (pata negra) fed on acorns from the cork trees, making the world famous Iberico Ham. Meals tend to be authentic (and cheap) local recipes wherever you go with no major fast food chains for miles around. If you want more than tapas be prepared to go with the flow and enjoy your surroundings, as main meals are normally served after 9pm.
Aracena is the nearest big town at 18km away, and has some spectacular caves called La Gruta De Las Maravillas. On top of the hill are the ruins of the castle destroyed by Napoleon. It is in the Sierra De Aracena and has some stunning views.
Alajar has a religious white belltower on top of a hill seen across the entire area as the morning sun strikes it. There are pilgrimages to it in traditional dress on foot and horseback every year.
And a little further away ...
Beaches near Huelva there are a number of popular beaches making up what is known as the Spanish Algarve or locally Costa De La Luz (coast of light).
Portugal is just over the border and has many pretty towns and national park areas of it's own.
Cordoba another historic city with plenty to offer, only a train ride from Seville.
Cadiz / Jerez are both close to the Doñana national park. Cadiz is the oldest city in SE Europe and has plenty of history.
Rio Tinto mines a striking / ugly but unmissable open mine area active since before the Romans. Gold, copper and other minerals are mined here, and the road from there to our home is split by two lakes: one blue-green and one almost purple, where the ores colour the water. There is a museum and tour of the area.
Ronda a town split by a spectacular drop, only a slight diversion if you are coming from the Malaga area.
Seville a historic and beautiful city centre which has been in use since before the Romans (pictured the ampitheatre at Italica). The capital of Andalucia, it has everything to offer any visitor.
Zufre a local town high on a mountain edge with water views and rolling mists.
And of course, there is the weather!
How To Get Here
By Plane:
The easiest airport is Seville just over an hour away by road, flights and airlines (including Ryanair etc.) are listed at:
Seville Flights

Next easiest is Faro at just over 2 hours by road (though there may be toll charges about 10 EUR each way) and there is a cheap bus into Huelva. Flights and seasonal availability can be seen at:
Faro Flights

Jerez is about 2.5 hours by road:
Jerez Flights

Malaga is furthest at about 3.5 hours by road but does have a fast cheap train into Seville:
Malaga Flights

Madrid is a good option if you are exploring Spain, as it has a fast, comfortable AVE train into Seville. Ask us for how to get very cheap advance tickets.

By Bus
Apart from an occasional Huelva direct bus, the nearest and preferred buses go to Aracena & Fuenteheridos From Seville, We can also pick up 3-4 people up from Huelva or Seville if need be.

By Train
Seville or Huelva are the likely options here, but if you fancy a scenic ride through the hills and mountains of the national park area there is a train from Huelva to Jabugo.

By Car
Car hire can be very cheap, and the roads are well built and free of traffic in this region. If you have a satnav set it for W:32⁰75'40" N:68⁰15'27" or Campofrío town centre.

From Seville (for Malaga / Jerez follow directions to Seville first) the road here is direction Merida A66 until the N433 to Aracena / Portugal turn. Follow this most of the way, turning off at the Zufre exit and follow Huelva / Campofrio direction.

From Faro take the A22 / E1 to Huelva then follow direction Seville until Trigueros. From here follow the N435 right through Zalamea until the RioTinto Mines turnoff, this road then takes you through to Campofrio.

Spanish Reg. No. ES X-737-3340-T. IVA charged at 21% (books 4%) on all payments since 1st September 2012 included in prices shown will be removed for non-EU customers or tax registered EU businesses. All Content (c) Angie Scarr / Frank Fisher 1997-current date.
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